
Contact: Anthony Pollina 802-272-3765

                Jackie Stanton 802-730-3467


Vermont Progressive Party strongly opposes the decision to eliminate campus libraries and downgrade athletic teams in the state college system.

The Party says the decisions strike at the very heart of campus life and learning and  will further weaken, not strengthen, the colleges. They are also concerned that the changes will undermine diversity and result in the loss of people of color on the Johnson campus. It also will mean 10 librarian staff losing their jobs.

According to Anthony Pollina, Progressive Party Chair:

“This is a major, misguided proposal made with no discussion with students and staff. We stand with the students and staff who oppose it.

The library is the very heart of the campus. It’s about learning, discovering, sharing but also solitude and reflection. The idea that a library can be replaced with an eBook or iPad is just so very wrong. Removing the library is removing a big part of the college’s culture and educational core. Imagine the surprise when parents and prospective students touring the campus learn there is no library.

Vermont has been slowly undermining our state colleges with years of underfunding. Then came the proposal to close campuses entirely. Now it appears the college leadership is ready to take an axe to the heart of the system.”

The Party also is concerned the downgrading of team sports will result in the loss of campus diversity. As BIPOC student athletes and staff seek transfer to other NCAA schools.

Jackie Stanton of Johnson is a member of the Progressive Party Co-ordinating Committee and serves on the NVU-Johnson/Lyndon Social Justice Coalition. According to Stanton:

“Removing NVU-Johnson from the NCAA D3 sports is a social justice issue that disproportionately impacts our BIPOC students  and staff. Many of our student athletes and coaches are people of color. We are concerned that we will lose our BIPOC athletes, coaches and staff to other colleges. Diversity strengthens our campus and strengthens Vermont. This decision sends a message that the Vermont state college system doesn't value our BIPOC students & staff.”

The Party is calling on the college leadership to withdraw what it  describes as a “terrible” proposal.



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